
The institution has a well defined set of vision, mission and objectives. The library at JRA B.Ed. College Mahua Vaishali Bihar complies with them and has an open-access system. The Library provides services to the faculty members and students. In this regard, the library is supported by 100's of educational CD's including Encyclopedia Britannica and National Geographic Journals. The library subscribes to 2 international journals and nearly 30 periodicals including magazines, journals and newspaper. The library is constantly enriches and new material is added to keep abreast with latest changes and advancements in the field of education. For the convenience of the readers, photocopying facility has also been provided in the library premises.


Total No. of Books - 5837
Total No. of Journals - 42
Total No. of Encyclopaedia - 15
Total No. of Title - 1286
Books added in last quarter - 500
Journals added in the last quarter - 10


1  LibrarianTable  Drawer with rack,  1
  Half round  alongwith keyboard drawer  
2 Wheel Chair 1
  Long Table (8 ft X 3 ft) for students 9
3 Chair 60
4 Mouse 1
5 Key board 1
6 CPU 1
7 LCD Monitor 1
8  Leser Printer (Fax , printer,photo copier) 4- in -1 1
9 Modem with Wi-Fi Connection 1
10 Paper wieght 12
11 Dustbin 1
12 Pen stand 2
13 Wall Clock 1
14 Cover file 12 Doz.
15 Folder File 8  Doz.
16 Guard file 2 Doz
17 Century Paper 5 Pkt
18 Punching Machine 2
19 Stapler 2
20 Single punching machine 1
21 Sketch Pen 2 Doz
22 High Lighter 1 pkt
23 Stalpe Pin 3 Pkt
24 Staple Pin Big 3 Pkt
25 Tag 5 Doz
26 Paper Pin 3 pc
27 CFL Tubes 6
28 Door Mat 2
29 Parda (Window Curtain) Full Set
30 Intercom 1
31  Sunmika  wooden wall almirah with glass cover (18 ft  Length x 8 ft Hight) 1
32  Sunmika  wooden wall almirah with glass cover (13 ft  Length x 8 ft Hight) 1
33  Sunmika  wooden wall almirah with glass cover (13 ft  Length x 8 ft Hight) 1