Jageshwar Ray Arti B.Ed. College, At-Manpura, P.O-Kanholi, Town-Mahua, Dist-Vaishali(Bihar) Pin-844122 has been established in 2011, by Pratap Ray Basmati Memorial Trust, At-Manpura, PO-Kanhauli, PS-Mahua, Dist-Vaishali(Bihar) Pin-844122 registered under trust act, committed to the Course of the Spread of Education. Named after on illustrious social reformer known hence forth Jageshwar Ray Arti B.Ed. College. In short, intends to trigger social reforms and upliftment through a variety of professional Education in the state of Bihar. A vanguard in the spread of higher Education in the part of the country, the area of vaishali has been scattering the silver light of knowledge of more than a century now. The establishments of shanty setup by the Buddhist made this beautiful place a seat of higher learning much water has flown down the Gandak River in these hundred years. And there is a continual and greater need for propagating more of Education in various fields of knowledge and disciplines particularly of professional Education.
This B.Ed. College has been founded with a view of shouldering these challenges of growing needs for more and more Education. Weston Churchill once said, Empires of the future are the empires of the mind. "In the 21st century we are living in the kingdom of the mind, in the world of stupendously increasing knowledge. Education forms the backbone of civilization and leads us upon the path of knowledge and hence we need to expand Education to be able to compete with the progressive nations of the world. The crucial role of universal elementary and secondary Education in strengthening the social fabric of democracy, cannot be overemphasized as our population grows we need to expand facilities for the spread of Education when India became free in 1947, it was expected that the post independence era would witness revolutionary changes in the basic structure of Education. But unfortunately the peace and nature of the desired changes have been slow and not very gratifying. Only recently we have woken up. Our parliament through the amendment to the constitution has made right to Education a fundamental right of Indian children to get free Education. There is need to develop of character of teachers and their professional preparation for qualitative improvement of Education. In order to benefit millions and millions of young Indians with the elixir and light of good Education we need good Education. We need competent teachers whose services should be devoted to spreading knowledge and by rendering Quality Education, to produce noble cultured and responsible citizens. Teachers have the additionally been venerated in our socio compared to the creator Guru Sakshal Parabrahma. I said until and unless we have dedicated and committed but how and where t get competent and committed teacher general belief that teachers are born and not mode, But its true when we need a large battery of teachers. The trust skills can be acquired and teachers should be trained conditioning of mind and spirit and body, acquiring skills respectful competition, Teaching is an art and craft, both. We have a mammoth task ahead in pursuing our goal of good quality Education to every citizen of our country convocation address concern at the death of good render quality Education. He said," even if we spend(higher Education, and even if we open a large new instated quality Education will not get address by, itself. The problem of getting competent teachers in adequate institutions be these the institution of elementary or those of higher learning. It is in this context that Jageshwar Ray Arti B.Ed. College founded with the mandate from its Management to the competent committed and skilled teachers for imparting.